School Discipline Policy

Twin Oaks Elementary School strives to create an environment built on safety, responsibility, and respect. It is our commitment and goal to provide all students with a rewarding educational experience. While academic excellence is our focus, we also teach character education and personal responsibility. Our school discipline plan is consistent with SMUSD's Board policy and is based on rewarding positive behavior and enforcing consequences for disobeying the following school rules:

  1. Follow directions given by all school adults.
  2. Respect the rights and property of others in actions and words.
  3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
  4. Use all areas and equipment safely.

Additionally, Twin Oaks Elementary School strives to create an academic environment built on safety, responsibility, and respect. Our school-wide expectations are that students be respectful, make good choices, and be problem solvers.  Through fostering positive relationships between students, families, teachers, and administration, we can ensure that our students’ elementary experience is meaningful and positive.


Appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment. While we celebrate individuality, we want to ensure that our scholars are safe and represent Twin Oaks well. The following guidelines shall apply to all regular school activities (Pursuant to San Marcos Unified Board Policy 5132):

  • Appropriate shoes must be worn at all times. Sandals must have a back strap. Flip-flops, backless shoes, or high heels may not be worn.
  • Clothing and jewelry must be free of writing, pictures, or any other insignia which are crude, vulgar, profane, or sexually suggestive. Clothing may not be advocate racial, ethic, or religious prejudice, or the use of profane drugs or alcohol.
  • Staff may request that hats be removed in the classroom or inside buildings.
  • Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments. See-through tops and bare abdomens are prohibited.

The school administration is the final authority when a difference of opinion arises. Each incident will be handled on a case by case parental communication. 

Our goal is to provide a safe and drug-free environment for all our students. We actively enforce our school district's "Zero Tolerance" policy. Students who attempt to bring drugs, alcohol, or weapons to school will be suspended and may be arrested by the sheriff or expelled for up to one full year.


Twin Oaks Elementary School recognizes the health hazards related to the use of tobacco, including the breathing of second-hand smoke. We are a "tobacco-free" school which means we do not allow smoking in the classrooms or on campus at any time. In addition, we provide educational information to our students through classroom instruction and activities about the health risks posed by using tobacco.

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