
Welcome to Twin Oaks Elementary School, home of the Coyotes. Built in 1998, our school is located in the beautiful Twin Oaks Valley of San Marcos. It is the only school in the district that implements an English and Spanish Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Program. With a focus on the three pillars of dual language education: high academic achievement, bilingualism/biliteracy, and sociocultural competence, our students begin their journey to earning the State Seal of Biliteracy [California Education Code (EC) Section 51461].

Our students receive 50% of their instruction in English and 50% of their instruction in Spanish as they develop their abilities and skills in the three pillars. Our positive school culture is strengthened through the teaching of Social Justice Standards: identity, diversity, justice, and action. In addition, our Multi-Tiered System of Supports focus on meeting the needs of our students both academically and socio-emotionally. 

The Twin Oaks Elementary staff is qualified, dedicated, and passionate about teaching and learning. Students' needs are of the utmost importance and every child is treated with respect. We provide a challenging and rigorous curriculum with targeted instruction and enrichment every day. We continue to expand our DLI Program, and by the 2024-2025 school year, it will include all students school-wide. 

If you have any questions regarding our school, please call us at 760.290.2588.

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