PTO Position Descriptions


The President shall preside over Executive Board and General Membership meetings, serve as the primary contact for the Principal, represent the organization at meetings outside the organization including SMUSD PAC, serve as an ex-officio member of all committees and coordinate the work of all the officers and committees so that the purpose of the organization is served. The President will monitor the progress of committees and events and will provide leadership to make the TOES PTO a welcoming environment for parents and TOES staff. The President must have at least one year of experience within the TOES PTO as a Board member prior to taking office.  


Vice President

The Vice President will serve in an adjunct position to the President, helping with the activities of the President and will attend meetings when the President is unable to do so. The Vice President will be responsible for organizing all staff appreciation activities and events. The Vice President will oversee and execute spirit wear sales, yearbook creation and sales, and student store sales. 


 Vice President of Fundraising

The Vice President of Fundraising will take leadership in arranging the fundraising activities for the TOES PTO. This includes all passive and in-person fundraising activities including, but not limited to, spirit drive, auctions, jog-a-thons, catalog sales, dine out nights and other approved fundraising events and activities. 


Vice President of Activities

The Vice President of Activities will take leadership in arranging all student and family activities. This includes, but is not limited to, movie nights, dances, spirit days and other approved family/student events and activities. 


Recording Secretary

The Recording Secretary will provide the Executive Board with an agenda for their meetings and keep an accurate record of the proceedings of each meeting and will be prepared to read, with notice, the record of any previous meetings. The Recording Secretary will send out the previous month’s meeting minutes to the Board at least one week before the next Board meeting. The Secretary will ensure that thank you letters are sent to donors upon receipt of donations. The Recording Secretary will serve as Parliamentarian. As Parliamentarian, he/she will keep notes throughout the year on any recommended changes to bylaws and oversee the bylaws review process.



The Treasurer will collect all money received by TOES PTO and deposit it into the TOES PTO bank account in a timely manner, will receive and pay bills, will prepare all financial arrangements for any TOES PTO events, will provide monthly budget reports at TOES PTO meetings, keep accurate records of income and expenses and will render a report in writing at the final General Membership Meeting. The Treasurer will meet with the Executive Board to draft the budget each fiscal year and will present this draft budget at the first General Membership Meeting. The Treasurer will close the books the last day of the fiscal year and give the books to an accountant to review on an annual basis and ensure taxes are filed. The Treasurer, along with the responsible officer, will collect monies for all activities/programs and verify accuracy.  The Treasurer must have at least one year of experience in a Leadership Position within the TOES PTO prior to taking office. 


Communications Coordinator

The Communications Coordinator will work with the President, Board members and Principal to maintain open communication between school, teachers, and families. This includes, but is not limited to, updating the TOES PTO page on the school web site and updating social media, making event banners, checking TOES PTO email and phone messages, coordinating the distribution of flyers, and communicating on behalf of the TOES PTO as needed.


Volunteer Coordinator

The Volunteer Coordinator will recruit volunteers for various events and produce a master list for the TOES PTO Board and Committee Chairpersons. The list will be kept updated and added to yearly. The Volunteer Coordinator will keep record of years of service for Board members to manage term limits.  The Volunteer Coordinator will work with TOES PTO members as needed to recruit and schedule volunteers for events throughout the year.


Teacher Representative

The Teacher Representative can be any teacher at Twin Oaks Elementary School. The Teacher Representative will be approved by the Executive Board and attend all Board meetings. The Teacher Representative will relay information from TOES PTO meetings to all teachers and will bring any concerns or suggestions from teachers to the TOES PTO meetings.  The Teacher Representative will recruit teachers to participate and volunteer in all TOES PTO activities.  


English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) Liaison

Relays information from TOES PTO meetings to ELAC members at ELAC meetings and brings any concerns from ELAC members to that attention of the TOES PTO.  

Coyote Howl Coordinator 

Responsible for the planning and execution of the Coyote Howl event.  Works with the Communications Coordinator to create a marketing/communication plan. 

Dine Out Coordinator

Arranges monthly dine out nights or activity nights out at local eateries or at activity-based businesses. Works with the Communications Coordinator to create a dine out marketing/communication plan.  

Student Store and Holiday Store Coordinator

Coordinates the sale of items at the student store and holiday store. Responsible for volunteers, staffing, inventory and sharing of upcoming items with Communications. Works with the Communications Coordinator to create a marketing/communication plan. Reports to Vice President.

Yearbook Coordinator
Takes pictures at school activities/events and gathers pictures from the parents and staff to ensure that the yearbook has a wide variety of students represented in photos. Uploads pictures to the yearbook vendor.  Organizes the layout for the yearbook and maintains deadlines. Works with the Communications Coordinator to create a yearbook marketing/communication plan. Responsible for the sale and distribution of yearbooks. Reports to the Vice President. 

Spirit Wear Coordinator 
Coordinates the ordering, sale and distribution of all Spirit Wear and Spirit Wear website.  Selects dates to open the online store and to sell in person at school.  
Works with the Communications Coordinator to create a Spirit Wear marketing/communication plan.Reports to the Vice President. 

Garden Coordinator 
Works with the school's dedicated Garden Staff Member(s) to ensure the Garden is safe, healthy and functioning.  Works with Communications and Volunteers to coordinate and share Garden events, activities and volunteer shifts.  Reports to the President. 

Grants Coordinator 
Responsible for researching and submitting grants for TOES. Reports to the Vice President of Fundraising.

5th Grade Coordinator 
Responsible for all the special 5th grade activities and celebrations, such as t-shirts, end of year BBQ, field day, yard signs, promotion, family bowling night, etc.  Reports to the Vice President of Activities.

Community Coordinator 
Responsible for Thanksgiving Food Drive, Halloween Costume Exchange, MHHS Scholarship and other community service projects and activities.  Reports to the President.

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